
Crocheted Zuikelis and milk / Hung toy rabbit and flower / decoration

Crocheted Zuikelis and milk / Hung toy rabbit and flower / decorationCrocheted Zuikelis and milk / Hung toy rabbit and flower / decoration picture no. 2Crocheted Zuikelis and milk / Hung toy rabbit and flower / decoration picture no. 3


Have you ever dreamed of something for a moment to become a bird? Or maybe dandelion pile .. Although a moment to feel the breath of freedom and lightness gust. Although a moment to listen to what the wind whispers .. Zuikelis dream come true faith and hope to bring to your home, pure and gentle wind quiet voice. / Little Rabbits hanging height - 12 cm, length - 12 cm; All decorations height - 15 cm, length - 25 cm / Crocheted hung Zuikelis and crocheted fluffy dandelion way to show your SVAJA - Let her come true. - Best regards Sigita -


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